Hello again. Thank you for visiting my blog. I cannot believe it has been 6 months since we launched our new website and I started this blog. And I carefully chose the word “started” because admittedly, that is all I did. So what have I been doing that has kept me from blogging?
Well, many of my activities that kept me away were certainly blog-worthy had I only had a second to blog about them. But just to cover myself for the moment, my excuses include: finishing graduate school (shout out to UT MSTC!), getting through 2 quality audits, celebrating the college graduation of our daughter and then moving her across the country to start her new career (shout out to Kaylie and Teach for America ENC!), taking a first-time vacation to Hawaii with the hubby to celebrate the end of our grad school crazed life (Love ya Mark, Maui and The Big Island!), and returning from vacation to deal with some unexpected business problems that you risk when you are dancing with elephants (they are prone to step on your toes if you are not careful and they weigh a lot compared to a small business). But I digress…..this blog is supposed to cover topics of interest in telecommunications, right?
Well thank goodness for Twitter for those of us who can’t sit still to write more than an email. I have managed to tweet over the past few months about things that are important from my vantage point as a small business owner in the telecom industry. Things like the 10x growth forecast for mobile backhaul that is being fueled by this country’s data consumption at unprecedented rates. And Google Fiber’s launch in KC, designed to capture some of that demand. I certainly hope these trends in our industry will help our economy rebound and create jobs.
Tweets also included how AT&T and Verizon are tapping start-ups to fuel their innovation, another economic booster in my opinion (start-ups that is). But all that optimism is tempered by our industry’s spectrum shortage, which Steve Largent so aptly summed up in his report on the results of CTIA’s semi-annual survey. It is a finite resource and we can only get so much of it. I do think there are some intersections in my tweets related to the solution and that lies in innovation from start-ups. In fact, my crystal ball predicts that a patent will be forthcoming from an unknown start-up giving the world a solution to better utilize existing spectrum. Soon, I hope. And I hope the financiers of the world are willing to put their money behind these inventors, and more importantly that these inventors get connected with smart entrepreneurs with the kind of business acumen that is being fostered in UT-Austin’s MSTC program. I met some amazing people over the past year as part of that graduate program, and I will get to meet more as I network with alumni from prior years in this program at the MSTC Alumni Appreciation Dinner this week in Austin, Texas.
So I will leave this blog with the fun stuff. Follow me on Twitter to keep up and I promise to only tweet about important things, including really cool technology products that catch my interest like Tactus Technology’s awesome anti-flat touchscreen technology and “Tappy” the T-Mobile testing robot!
Thank you again for visiting my blog and please follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter.