Building Tomorrow's Networks  (281) 465-8666

Acts of RioTel Kindness 2013 – Bookmarks for Central Elementary

RioTel Sends Hundreds of Bookmarks to Children in Jackson, NC

Houston, Texas, December 19, 2013:   RioTel helped the holidays shine brighter for the children at Central Elementary in Jackson, NC through their Acts of RioTel Kindness (A.R.K.) program.  Initially launched during the holiday season of 2011, RioTel’s annual A.R.K. program includes two types of giving; individual and group.  Central Elementary was the recipient of RioTel’s 2012 A.R.K. group gift, and books were sent to a classroom of First Graders learning to read.  The children responded with hand-made thank you cards that RioTel posted around the office last year.  According to Karin Williams, RioTel President, “I learned about this school and their needs through my daughter, Kaylie Williams, who began teaching at the school last year.”  After graduating from the University of Texas at Austin in 2012, the younger Williams joined Teach for America where she was placed in Eastern North Carolina to teach first grade at Central Elementary.

Although RioTel selected a local charity for their 2013 group donation, they decided to remember the children of Central Elementary again by sending them custom-designed bookmarks to further encourage their reading journey.  Williams remarked, “Teach for America’s mission has become near and dear to my heart as I’ve learned so much about their initiative through my daughter’s work.  They work to ensure that kids growing up in poverty get an excellent education.  This school year, Kaylie moved from the classroom to become a Reading Recovery Specialist for the school, so the bookmarks seemed to be a fitting tribute to her work and mission.  We enjoyed designing these around the Dr. Seuss reading theme that Kaylie references in the classroom frequently.”  RioTel also shared the bookmarks with employees who have reading-age children and relatives.











For more information contact:
Karin Williams
281-485-8666, ext. 103